CSN Fall 2020 Newsletter

We are both pleased and proud to announce that Community Support Network has been named as one of the “Best Places to Work” in Sonoma County. The most heavily weighted part of the process is the input directly from the employees. There is a great deal of competition for this award and we value it highly as it validates that treating each other with respect and with an open heart can bring forth the best in people.
We Are Excited and Delighted to Introduce Two of Our Newest Staff Additions!
Dr. Carrie Lara, PsyD Meghan Murphy, MSW
Carrie is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in child and family work and trauma. Her experience includes work with the chronic mentally ill, crisis evaluations and interventions. She is the author of two children’s books focused on the cultural identify development. Carrie continues to write as a creative outlet and has been invited to give talks about her books and the topics in schools and libraries across the country. We look forward to having her expertise provide additional support to our programs.
Meghan has the academic credentials and the hands-on, in-the trenches experience to provide direction, guidance and understanding to our team. From her Masters in Social Work to her Peace Corps in Africa and her position as Program Director for Face to Face where she received Sonoma County’s Distinguished Service award, Meghan has consistently managed to find the right mix of talent, effort, planning and execution. Mehgan Murphy joins as Youth Housing Director.
Safety Continues to be Our Guiding Principle During the COVID-19
I’m happy to report that we have not had a single case in any of our facilities as of the time I am writing this! We have used this event to stress the importance of good hygiene and healthy habits for our youth. Our outstanding staff has been creative and able to improvise in ways that weren’t even considered or possible in times past. We have virtual cooking classes, online museum tours, bike rides, and Zoom exercise classes. Besides providing safe shelter for these residents, the staff is going above and beyond in providing additional support, engaging their body and minds through new ways to learn, engage, and participate. A new gym (see pictures) provides additional opportunities for recreational pursuits and is the result of the dedication and creativity shown in converting a garage into a gym that in these SIP orders provides an outlet for activity.
CSN Takes Active Role in Governor’s 100-Day Challenge
We have combined our efforts with like-minded organizations in the Sonoma county community to accept the Governor’s 100 day challenge. This challenge involves creating opportunities for an additional 65 Transitional Age Youth (TAY) to find shelter. There will be special emphasis on the LBGQT+ community along with those youth who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color. To do so will require creativity, willingness to overcome barriers, and the ability to make decisions quickly. In addition to housing 65 youth, the Sonoma County 100 Day Challenge aims to reshape and reimagine the homeless response system in order to ensure housing accessibility to the maximum number of youth possible.
Despite the intense pressure of juggling these challenges, we have made great strides and have much for which to be thankful. Not only do we save the community millions of dollars each year but of equal or greater importance is the progress made by residents to take on greater responsibilities and roles that allow them bot become contributing members of society.
Our success stories continue. Without them we would have no reason to exist. The end of the year is rapidly approaching. We shall send you our year-end report around the end of January which will provide more details on our successes and some specifics as to our financial health.
Give Back this Holiday Season
It would be wonderful if you could find it in your hearts and pocketbooks to make that “little extra” donation before the end of the year as you help us provide the support housing for our youth.
From all of us to all of you, we wish that this Thanksgiving provides an opportunity to be forward thinking and hopeful about the future as we “carry on the best we can in the here and now” and look forward to a holiday season where things might just be able to start the road back to normal.